Carnaval: Estrelas no seu cabelo!

Olha que idéia bacana: saia vestida de estrela do dia, no carnaval! Use estrelas lindas e fáceis de fazer, no seu cabelo! Esse DIY veio lá do Sprinkles in Springs.


twinkle star bobbies diy

If you need a last minute stocking stuffer or sparkly hair accessory for your next holiday party, look no further. I fell in love with these cute star bobby pins by Giant Dwarf last year on Esty. So simple and twinkly, how could I resist? Her version uses German glass glitter, while I opted for holographic glitter. You can even experiment with mircobeads or any other fun type of material and see how that turns out. And don’t forget to play around with colors! There are so many options for this fun and easy project.
twinkle star bobbies diy
Inspiration Photos via Giant Dwarf
twinkle star bobbies diytwinkle star bobbies diy
Materials: scissors, E-6000 glue, glitter, craft bobby pins, paint brush, thick felt, mod podge
You can cut stars out freehand, or you can use this template I created. There are some perfect stars and free-form ones to choose from in various sizes. I used the pattern for mine.
twinkle template download thumb
twinkle star bobbies diy
Directions: Cut out your stars using the template. Paint mod podge on one side of the star and sprinkle with glitter. Once dry, squeeze a bit of E-6000 glue onto the bobby pin round, wait a few seconds for it to get tacky, and then press gently onto the back of your star. When it’s dry, you can spray the front side of the star with some hairspray to help keep any loose glitter from falling off.
Wear these when you want to feel whimsical and magnificent. Gift them to someone special— use the idea above and attach them to a hang tag for a pretty presentation.
twinkle star bobbies diy

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