Quer uma pulseira feita de corda?

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[my DIY] Bungee Cord bracelets

While in the fashion closet at work last week, I came across these fun bungee cord bracelets, and of course I was inspired to make my own! With a quick trip to Home Depot I found the supplies for a couple of dollars. I am a fan of wearing a stack OR the other night, when I had some friends over, I made one for each (including a guy friend!) and they have been wearing solo. 
Rebecca Minkoff bag, H&M scarf,  Dress from random store in Soho
Supplies:   Compression sleeve and bungee cords from Home Depot, Super glue and lighter. 
Steps after the break: 

Alyson is the Amazon.com gift card and bracelet winner! Congrats, email me your address!

Cut off both ends of the bungee cord. Measure so the bracelet is a little larger then your wrist. The bungee will stretch a bit but allow some room. 

Keep the ends from from unraveling by waving a lighter over them

Put the compression sleeve on the end and superglue the inside

Join the two ends under the compression sleeve, and hold for at least a minute. Fill in gaps with more superglue, to secure. Let dry.  

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2 comentários:

  1. Muito legal a idéia, boa dica!



  2. Adorei a ideia!

    Seu blog é lindo demais, varias coisas legais pra fazer :D



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