Oi, gentes! Olhem só o DIY simples mas de efeito, que eu catei lá do Style Scrapbook: Um vestido, vindo de uma camisa...dá pra variar o tecido, a cor....e ainda assim, fazer uma roupa linda e exclusiva! \0/ Se você não tem máquina de costura, pode mandar a costureira do bairro fazer pra você...ainda assim, acho que vale a pena! 


Ever since I saw this dress on the web during Fashion Week season, I haven't been able to get it out of my head, so I gathered all my DIY skills and decided to make it happen right at home.
I hope you can follow my steps, its actually a very easy DIY, although the whole stitching part can get tricky since you have to be VERY precise, but I recommend you to try it!

My trick was to buy a small mens white shirt, because it was already giving that "oversized/dress" look, the neon yellow fabric was a strike of good luck at the fabric store (you can use any color you like)...What are you waiting for? Time for some stitching!

Now I just need the weather to get better so I can give you outfit shots, or even better, I will take this baby to play in Santorini in May! :D

EDIT: A lot of you have asked me what happened to the pockets and truth is, I decided to make it without them so it wouldn't get complicated.
You are also wondering about the yellow fabric, it is NOT lycra and it doesn't have any stretch, I think its better this way and the quality of it seems better.
Oh and I have a SINGER sewing machine!


Desde que vi este vestido en la web, no me lo he podido sacar de la cabeza y como no tenia idea de conde conseguirlo, decidi hacerlo yo misma.
Espero que puedan seguir los pasos, la verdad esta muy simple pero recuerden que en la parte de las costuras, tienen que ser súper precisas, si no, quedara fruncido.

Yo compre una camisa para hombre en talla chica para que se viera mas como vestido y con mucha suerte encontré esta tela amarillo neón, pero tu puedes usar el color que quieras.
¿Que esperas? A coser se ha dicho :D

P.S- Mi maquina es SINGER para las que me han preguntado. 

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