Uma presilha de cabelo beeeeeem fofa!
Lá do Tongue in Chic, vem essa idéia fofa de se fazer uma presilha de cabelo, mega fácil com fitas e algumas tachas....olha que bonitinho (as fotos explicam facinho...não se prenda muito no texto, pq ele tá em inglês mesmo..)
DIY: basic hair clip
I remember when I was in high school, we were only allowed to wear black hair accessories. It was quite a feat to stand out without breaking the rules. So here's a basic black hair clip, nothing outrages but something you can brag about since you made it yourself!
- Ribbons
- Hair Pin
- Scissors, Needle and Thread
- Studs* (optional)
- Ribbons
- Hair Pin
- Scissors, Needle and Thread
- Studs* (optional)

Step 1:
- Fold, measure and cut the ribbon(s) accordingly.
- Fold, measure and cut the ribbon(s) accordingly.

Step 2:
- Secure it by sewing the ends.
- Secure it by sewing the ends.

Step 3:
- Repeat Step 1 & 2 with a shorter ribbon fold to hide stitches.
- Repeat Step 1 & 2 with a shorter ribbon fold to hide stitches.

Step 4:
- Cut a short strip of ribbon and add a stud on one side. Fold it and place it in the middle of the bow.
- Cut a short strip of ribbon and add a stud on one side. Fold it and place it in the middle of the bow.

Step 5:
- Secure the stud on the ribbon strip by wrapping the ends around the bow and sew the ends together and onto the bigger ribbon. Once you are satisfied with your bow, you can sew it onto the hair clip.
- Secure the stud on the ribbon strip by wrapping the ends around the bow and sew the ends together and onto the bigger ribbon. Once you are satisfied with your bow, you can sew it onto the hair clip.

That's it! Enjoy!

Oi... Amei o seu blog... Estava passeando na net e achei seu blog,quanta coisinha linda e facil de fazer.
ResponderExcluirGostei muito dessa presilha, e também de um colar com fita...
Um abraço.