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Crystal Pendant Necklace

There’s nothing quite as marvelous and essential as costume jewelry – especially when it borders on ‘over the top’ with exorbitant amounts of sparkle and shine. As I always like to say: more is more is more. So how can one possibly turn down the opportunity to customize their very own show-stopping, Verdura-inspired crystal pendant necklace!? Not I. Bling it on.

You’ll need:

Start by squeezing a dollop of glue onto a wooden spoon. Use a little wooden dowel or toothpick and apply a generous amount of glue to the back of the largest rhinestone. I like to apply adhesives using this efficient and messy-less method instead of applying glue directly from the bottle.
Glue the larger rhinestones onto the felt, working from the center out. I personally like to keep the pattern symmetrical.
Continue adding smaller crystals and rhinestones to the pattern. The tweezers may come in handy for the smaller pieces and harder to reach areas.
Once the shape is complete, add the brooch or button to the center with more glue.
Allow to dry for a couple of hours. Use a sharp pair of scissors to cut around the pendant, leaving about two millimeters of space around the perimeter.
Find a place to leave extra space at the top, on either side, to attach the chain. Using a hole punch, pierce two small holes into the corners of the felt.
Open the jump rings with the piers, attach the felt and then close it around the end of the chain. Repeat on the opposite side. If the pendant is too heavy and the felt holes are pulling too much, adding grommets is a quick fix.
And . . . you’re finished with your crystal pendant necklace.
Bling bling!
(all images by HonestlyWTF)

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2 comentários:

  1. Oi, vim desejar uma ótima virada de ano, cheio de luz!!!
    Que 2013 seja um ano cheio de boas surpresas.

    Evelyn Oliveira


  2. Oi Evelyn!
    Super obrigada pelo carinho! Que o seu ano seja repleto de alegrias e sucessos! \o/

    Beijo Grande!


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