Faça uma bolsa, com suas fotos preferidas!

Coisa que eu gosto muito, é foto. E foto bonita, indo parar na bolsa então...imagina?!?!?! Bom, agora pare de imaginar e mãos à obra: dá sim pra colocar as fotos mais queridas em uma bolsa única e estilosa, basta para isso usar um papel transfer! Bacana neh? Ah, esse papel vc encontra em papelarias ok? No mais, é só seguir o DIY que veio lá do Tongue in Chic, que é de um nível médio de dificuldade. Mas vá lá: pensa naquela foto linda que você tem por aí...

DIY: Be A Bag (Mother's Day Special)

It's three days till Mother's Day and if you still haven't got your gift yet, quell the panic cause we're here to help! If fragrances aren't quite the thing and mum is too traditional to appreciate alternative gift ideas, they're going to love this gift. Afterall, nothing spells love like a handmade gift and this bag is both hands-on and handy!
- Iron-on A4 sheet (available at craft stores)
- Thick white fabric (or a plain cotton/canvas bag)
- Scissors, needle and thread or sewing machine
- Iron
- Printer
- Photo/desired image
- Optional: 
decorative buttons, ribbons, beads
Step 1:
- Select a photo, flip it horizontally (mirror image) before you print it on the iron-on paper.
** You can skip to Step 3 if you have a plain cotton or canvas bag.
Step 2 (making a plain bag):
- Measure the size you prefer while leaving space to sew at the corners (with the fabric flip inside out - the wrong side).
- Fold it into half, pin, cut and sew the wrong sides of the fabric.
- Fold the corners like so (picture below) and flip it to the right side!
- Fold in the top part and sew in the allowance space.
Step 3 (iron on):
- Turn the heat up and iron onto the bag.
- Iif you came straight from Step 1 - you are now done! You may add emblishments like ribbons and flowers to further jazz up the bag.
Step 4 (finishing up the bag):
- You can use different fabric or ribbons to make the bag handles. (I had PVC for this DIY).
- Place the handles in place, pin it and finish up with a good stitch!
Disclaimer: The quality of the iron-on sheet bag is not excellent but at the end of the day, it's the thought that counts more, right?
Enjoy making this for your loved ones!

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