Faça ombreiras, a partir do bojo do seu sutiã velho! E FICA LINDO!
Essa, é pra quem não acredita em quase nada: (hehehehe)...DÁ SIM PRA FAZER BLUSA DE OMBREIRAS, COM O BOJO DAQUELE SUTÃ BEEEEM VELHO...hehehe, é gente, é a sustentabilidade chegando! E esse DIY mega criativo veio lá do ótimo Tongue in Chic (fotinhos bem explicadinhas, nem precisa de tradução)...olhem só:
DIY: How To Make Your Own Shoulder Pads
Before we turn up our noses at this pillar of 80’s style, here’s a fact; shoulder pads are back. Thanks to Balenciaga and Balmain, ladies of that era are now rejoicing the comeback of structured shoulders. If you’re a 90’s child like me, you may be cringing at the resurrection of this fad. I used to think that shoulder pads were like wings on a plane, and women who wore them had personal space issues. But fret not, shoulder pads are back smaller, bolder and edgier, with the sole purpose of tricking onlookers into thinking you have a tapered silhouette. Small waists, anyone?
By now the structured shoulders look has taken over the fashion world by storm and you can find them in almost any retail store. But why risk rubbing shoulders into another person with the exact top when you can make your own from the essentials found in every woman’s wardrobe – brassieres! Here’s an easy peasy 3-step tutorial on how you can make your own shoulder pads.
* Bra (preferably a wired one to get the structured look
* Thread
* Scissors
* Needle
* Marker pins
* Thread
* Scissors
* Needle
* Marker pins
1. Cut out both the bra cups.
2. Fold the curved area in and tack it into place. This will add more bulk to the pad. If you do not want to appear boxy, you can just snip off the curved area.
3. Cover the pads with the coordinating fabric of your top. Sew along the curve of the pad, leaving a small gap to remove the pad. Invert the cover, place the pad in and stitch the gap. Do the same for the other. If that is too much of a hassle, you can leave them just as they are. And voila, your very own shoulder pads at zero cost!
There are many ways to utilize the shoulder pads. Use them on your jackets, coats, dresses, and even a basic tee!! I came up with 3 different looks.
Chanel French chic with a striped top and a pencil skirt
Top: Mom’s
Skirt: Thrifted from aunt
Belt: Miss Selfridge
Heels: Primavera
Skirt: Thrifted from aunt
Belt: Miss Selfridge
Heels: Primavera
Show off the shoulder pads with a sheer top or dress ala Sonia Rykiel’s SS 10 Collection.
Tube top worn inside: Miss Selfridge
Skirt: Tea & Sympathy
Flats: Charles & Keith
Cap your shoulders by sewing the pads on the outside, inspired by the Cosmic Shoulder Dress from Topshop. My advice is to get a slim fitting top so that the caps will sit nicely on the shoulders. I made a mistake by using a loose jersey top, resulting in the caps hanging loosely on the shoulders.
Top: Topman
Pants: Mom’s
Belt: Guess
Heels: Charles & Keith
Pants: Mom’s
Belt: Guess
Heels: Charles & Keith
These shoulder pads are the easiest things to make next to instant noodles. So raid your drawers for old bras and start snipping away!
I left mine without embellishments, how would you style your shoulder pads? Or do you have a better more original way of bulking up shoulders for that structured look?
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