Colar Multi-Funções...
Esse DIY é um dos mais bacanas e criativos que eu já vi a Love Maegan produzir...portanto, não dava pra ficar de fora aqui do EQFT, neh? é um colar multi-função: colar, pulseira, cinto...enfim, o que vc escolher! Olha só:
Knotted Ribbon Statement Necklace or Belt DIY
* I used 7/8" wide Black Grosgrain Ribbon
* Scissors
* Blue Moon Metal Corrugated Beads, Round-Silver
* Did not use the needle & thread
* Cut your base {using 7/8" Black Grosgrain Ribbon} about 60" long {I'd rather start long and cut down than have it be too short in the end ...& this way, you can wear it as a belt too}
* Cut 5"-7" strips of various colors of choice - I used 35 ribbon strips
* Measuring about 24" down from one side of your base ribbon, tie one of your shorter ribbons in a tight knot. {you may also hold this up to yourself and eyeball placement}
* Alternating ribbon colors, continue knotting ribbons down the base. You can do them all in the same length or longer at one end & shorter at the other, like I did.
* I made my knotted section about 10" long can stop where you like it.
* Using your fingers, fray the edges of each ribbon to give it some texture
* You may also choose to stitch the knotted ribbons to the base but I found it wasn't necessary if you knot them tightly
* Finish off the ends with a bead by cutting the end of your base ribbon into an almost narrow point and pulling the bead up through it as far as it will go, securing it into place.
wear it long a collar bone piece a choker
...or as a belt
This project was really easy, really quick, & rather inexpensive to make ...yet it looks like none of those things and I can't wait to wear it. Velvet
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