Faça seu nome (ou qualquer palavra) em arame de artesanato!

Fazer seu nome ou qualquer palavra em arame, é um aarte. Fica lindo e dá pra criar várias coisas bacanas e super-personalizadas. Achei este DIY tão lindo e tão bacana, que ele TINHA que entrar aqui pro acervo. Este, veio lá do Crafts Unleashed.

Personalized Wire Ornaments

With the holidays quickly approaching, I’m sure you can think of a million and one ways to put these wire names to good use. Personalized ornaments? Check. Special gift tags? Check. Holiday dinner place settings? Check and check. The options are endless!

Here’s what you’ll need to personalize your own wire craft ornaments:
1. Write or print out in lowercase cursive the name you’ll be making into an ornament. Cut a piece of wire long enough to “write” out name. I used an 18″ piece of wire for Jack’s name. Better to cut too long a piece than too short!
2. Begin by making a loop at the beginning of the name with the wire and then follow the lines to make each letter. Use your pliers to pinch tight corners and hold completed letters in place with tape.
3. Finish off name with a sweet little heart!
3a. Names with “T” or “X”: You’ll need to add a small piece of wire to complete your letter. Wrap a small piece of wire around the existing wire and secure with a drop of glue.
4. Tie a basic knot at the top of the name, closest to the loop and secure with a drop of glue.
5. Continue wrapping the yarn or twine tightly around each letter until the entire name is filled. As you can see in the picture, you’re going to have to unbend some of the tight corners to get the yarn/twine in there. Use the glue to help the yarn/twine stay in place in these tight corners. Just watch out you don’t glue your fingertips!
5a. Names with “T” or “X”: When you get to a letter that has a separate section like “t” or “x,” wrap all the way up to the section and then pull the yarn/twine to the end and wrap downward toward the center. Repeat for the bottom half of the line. Ok, that sounds crazy confusing…just follow what’s in the picture!
6. Finish off with a basic knot tied close to the base of the heart. Add a drop of glue to make sure the yarn/twine is secure and you’re done! Now the fun part begins. What are you going to use your Personalized Wire Ornament for?!

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