Um vaso lindo, feito com um copo velho e um balão. Pode?

AMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO design. Amo coisas reutilizadas. E com esse DIY não é nadica diferente. E veio lá do Family Chic. Olha que lindo (e aproveita e tasca todos aqueles copinhos de requeijão dentro de balões coloridos):

Making Room For The Tiniest Flowers Ever

I know Spring has arrived when my daughters start bringing me bouquets of freshly picked (and incredibly tiny) flowers. Their heartfelt offerings of Snowdrops, Violets & Bluebells make the most charming gifts, however, finding a vase to hold them is not an easy task (many times these clippings are under 2-inches in height). I decided to put an end to this problem and came up with a chic and modern vessel to hold my most cherished bouquets.
A balloon and a glass votive candle holder are all you'll need to make this diminutive vase that can effectively hold even the smallest of flowers.
I used a 12" balloon and a 2" glass votive.
Using a sharp pair of scissors, cut off about 1-inch at the mouth of the balloon. It is important to leave the narrow part of the balloon intact as this will serve as the neck of the vase.
Slip the cut balloon over the glass votive and, depending on your preference, pull out the opening - or push it inside.
A balloon vase.
If you are looking for a craft to work on with a group of kids, you could make these as a Mother’s Day gift – as I believe most Moms have this happy problem.

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