Um anel de flor...DE ZÍPER???

Pra quem gosta de acessórios divertidos e exclusivos, esse DIY é prato cheio: veio lá do blog gringo Tongue in Chic e é mais um que se auto-explica com as imagens...olhem só:

DIY: Neon Zip Ring.

It's a relatively easy DIY to attempt during the weekend if you have nothing else to do. You can use multiple coloured zippers or stick to one choice  - whichever rocks your boat. The Neon Zipper Ring shown here is a statement ring that is both attention grabbing and "avant-garde".
- Neon coloured zipper (one or multiple choices)
- Ring base (available in craft stores)
- Scissors
- Needle and thread
Step 1:
- Take your zipper and start "molding" it by twisting/curving and sewing the back to secure your shape in to place.
Step 2:
- Continue Step One until you reach the end of the zipper. Make sure the entire piece is secured tightly (stitch the back again, to be sure) before moving on.
Step 3:
- Sew the finished piece through the holes of the base ring.

So we've done bags, leggings, shoes, dresses and accessories, what should we attempt next?

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